The IPC is the leading trade association for professional parking. Accredited by the DVLA, they represent parking operators like Parallel Parking Ltd and require their members to act on a strict code of conduct. This ensures customer experience remains our focus, with consumer and landowner friendly systems.
Being a part of the IPC also ensures we communicate and develop connections with other members throughout the parking industry. Together, we share information and experiences to maintain and improve standards across our community.
To find out more about the IPC, including our shared values and specific code of conduct, please see their website.
Useful links
Our services
Contact details
0333 344 9498
9am-4.30pm Monday - Friday
8am-6pm Monday - Saturday
Company info
Correspondence Address
PO Box 7401, Walsall, WS1 9TP
Registered Office
58 High Street, Madeley, Telford, TF7 5AT
Registered in England and Wales. Company Registration Number: 11977657
Parallel Parking Ltd